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Apr 26th
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Newton's law of motion

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Erroneously addressing a vexing situation creates two conjoint conditions: The continuation and intensification of the problem.

When Sir Isaac Newton established the laws of motion[1] he may not have realized the relevancy of their application to societal conditions.

The first law, “A body at rest will remain at rest until acted upon”, is manifested in the societal behavior typically characterized as “head in the sand”.

In spite of prevailing evidence of the threat against them, many German Jews sought solace and security by ignoring the ‘Nazi’ problem. These Jews modified their behavior only after the Nazis ‘acted upon the Jews’. By then, it was too late.

Newton’s second law, “The change of momentum of a body is proportional to the impulse impressed on the body”, relates to the continued forces of one body acting upon another. Again, let’s examine this principle from the perspective of Nazi Germany.

During the beginning phases of Germany’s road to madness, the concept of the extermination of Jews was ‘just talk’. Over time, ‘talk’ was transformed to ever increasing ‘acts’ of violence against Jews. In the absence of resistance, and with the continued exertion of Nazi energy acting against the Jews, the annihilation of the Jewish population became a certainty. Eventually, anti-Jew action took on a life of its own, fueled by earlier stages of intensifying momentum.

From a societal perspective, once hate is set in motion it must be stopped or it will achieve the potential of becoming dangerously kinetic.

Newton’s third law, perhaps the best known of the three, states: “For every action there is an equal and opposition reaction.”

It is here, within the context of this law, we see the essence of the fragmentation of society leading to extremism.

When Jews failed to match Nazi energy with an ‘equal and opposite force’, they allowed the unrestrained madness of Nazism to fulfill its objectives.

There is substantial dialog dedicated to the question of the response white South Africans must issue to protect themselves from the onslaught of racial hatred issued against them by multiple black groups firmly imbedded in South African culture. Among those groups is the African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL), headed by Julius Malema. By any estimation, Malema can only be characterized as a dangerous sociopath. Still, Malema, like Hitler, has the admiration of thousands of black radicals who agree with his anti-white platform.

White South African response has been dedicated to convincing blacks that Malema’s program of hate is dangerous and immoral. That same program has urged white South Africans living with their ‘head in the sand’ to aid the effort. Too much time has been dedicated to the latter pursuit; history demonstrates that members of society who choose to ignore or avoid a problem will do so until that problem invades the solemnity of their lives. No amount of awareness, urging or proof will dissuade some people from keeping their heads in the sand – Not until, that is, the moment their heads are lopped-off by madmen.

Black South Africans may or may not agree with whites who urge restraint, sanity, morality and a hoped-for refutation of Malema’s program of hate. Exerting energy in this direction, however hopeful, is misdirected energy. The body acting upon the white population is the ANCYL; the battle will only be won by exerting energy back at the ANCYL.

There are generally two schools of thought on this matter. The first employs political solutions; the second employs manufacturing cultural empathy among blacks sufficient to force the ANCYL to cease exerting energy. Neither of these solutions will work but the pursuit of them at least provides the illusion to desperate whites that the matter can be resolved without Malema shedding white blood.

The reality of the situation is that Malema and the ANCYL will continue to exert force upon the white people until that force converts from potential energy to kinetic action; then blood will be shed.

The only solution white South Africans have to manage a madman like Malema is to face the reality of his energy and prepare for war. This concept is inconceivable to well-placed, morally-centered whites who choose to believe an ideology of hate can be mollified via the usual routes of compromise, appeasement and sacrifice.

White South Africans have generally run out of room to compromise, and their ability to provide economic and political appeasement is waning; at present, their only choice is to continue to allow the slaughter of sacrificial whites to keep the ‘natives happy’. White society’s pointless responses to unfolding conditions include the curious neglect of the moral issues attending the sacrificial slaughter of fellow whites: Obviously, morality is more a matter of convenience that purposeful dedication.

Newton’s third law says all that needs to be said about hate set in motion. White South Africans are already acutely and brutally aware of the consequences of failing to present ‘equal and opposite’ resistance to the energy the ANC employed to gain and now abuse power. Physicists note that when a body is moved past a certain point, as it gains increasing momentum, the situation cannot be reversed unless the body being acted upon now exerts more force. An ‘equal and opposite’ force only stops the motion – It does not reverse the movement. The momentum of black South Africans is such that whites have no choice but to use force that will appear to be excessive: As a fire grows it takes increasing amounts of water to put it out.

If white society hopes to maintain even a state of stasis they have no choice but to come out swinging. This is unlikely to happen because the infusion of the illusion of ‘racial fairness’ and ‘political correctness’ has almost but not quite neutralized all white efforts to extinguish the fire raging around them. Whites all over the world would rather sacrifice their neighbors and culture than risk even the remote potential of being labeled ‘racist’. The consequences of this moniker are such that when so labeled a man’s life can be reduced to social rubble. And thereby hands at least one of the maladies that not only detracts from the energy of white resistance, it also neutralize it to the point of being completely ineffectiveness.

When Newton speaks of energy he speaks of a sum of energy: The combined energy in a mass. White society no longer shares the identity of a single mass in motion. Our divisions, as demonstrated by feigned moral convictions and differing racial opinions, are sufficient to neutralize what little energy we have to repel men like Malema.

Desirous of avoiding to appear ‘racist’, white society has degenerated into a predatory and cannibalistic state of disunity.

The few Germans who decried Jew hatred were labeled “Jew sympathizers”. They were dragged into the street, humiliated beaten and, in some instances, murdered. Needless to say, it was German beating German.

The same condition now exists among whites who recognize the need to ‘come out swinging’. Their energy gives the appearance of being excessive – ‘Too much water’. These actions, however, are consistent with the energy being imparted against white South Africans.

Tragically, white South Africans desirous of appearing ‘moral’ and ‘racially fair’ jump on the opportunity to cannibalize their fellow whites, presumably in the hopes of gaining favor with blacks and, to a greater extent, satisfy a mutated sense of human dignity. Who, other than an immoral coward, seeks applause and acceptance from a band of marauding, murdering thugs?

So it is that the solution to the problem of black energy is a necessary increase in white energy - Increases that must be unified or they are insufficient to stop the momentum of Julius Malema and his band of merry sociopaths.

These same revelations must be conditioned into the minds of white Americans who, wittingly or unwittingly, have allowed race and racial issues to become the sole energy directing the course of their nation. Among the many failures we have pursued, the most profound and damaging has been the conditioning we have undergone that allows flawed yesterdays to rationalize and validate the absence of moral responsibility and duty the black community owes to the white race – Regardless of the black man’s contempt.

Either we, as human beings, decide to consistently demonstrate a mutual conviction to human dignity or some of us are going to be sacrificed for no other moral reason than to allow the rest of us to waddle through lives with our heads conveniently mired in mud.

For now, at least, the choice is yet ours to make. And, unless Newton is wrong, our only solution is to meet force with force, energy with energy.


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