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South Africa self-sodomizing its reputation

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The circus since last Saturday when the print media in South Africa started publishing sodomy rumors about the murdered Afrikaner Resistance Movement (AWB) leader Eugene Terre'Blanche, now appears to be orchestrated by the country's intelligence services, according to a statement released yesterday by the AWB to the South African Press Association.

In comment on the Mail & Guardian's website an English-speaking white writes under the pseudonym Mao Brac:

"These previously disadvantaged cops, previously disadvantaged journos, and previously disadvantaged lawyers and their corrupt masters are busy sodomising the SA justice system, at levels which make the Boere's machinations in the 80's look like child's play. I've already told people abroad that I'm ashamed to be South African. I'm no AWB sympathizer, by the way. Have always despised them anyway." Mao Brac on April 12, 2010, 7:32 pm

It is as if the country's government and the media houses had been taken over by a bunch of thirteen-year olds from a boys' boarding school. The spurious allegations and invented stories about sodomy and condoms found on the murder scene, repeated without any verification by police officers, investigators and the press, are not only hard to believe, but completely infantile.

South Africa is rapidly taking the theatre of the absurd that pertained in Uganda under Idi Amin or Zimbabwe under Robert Mugabe to new heights.

The state, the country and its media are self-sodomizing their reputations!

Together with the anonymous English-speaking white above who is "ashamed to be a South African", every right-thinking Afrikaner should realise today that we must abandon the South African identity, the ugly striped flag, the ANC's anthem Nkosi Sikelel'i Afrika and everything else that was imposed on us in 1994.

In a few weeks' time, it will be 100 years since our forebears first united the four provinces of this land to form the Union of South Africa on 31 May 1910. We built it up into the most successful country in Africa, images of which will soon be broadcast to the whole planet during the 2010 Soccer World Cup, if civil war does not break out within the two months separating us from that event. In 1961 when Britain had started putting pressure on us to succumb to the notion of black majority rule, Verwoerd took us out of the Commonwealth and we became a republic. However, the founding fathers of this state would never have dreamt that one day it would end as a corrupt, violent circus under people like ANC Youth League President Julius Malema.

The Afrikaner should get his own republic, a volkstaat or ethnic nation state where we could practise our own culture and pursue our own goals, without being dragged into the mud by puerile black potentates. They have shiny black cars and pockets full of money looted from our state coffers; their prattle of sodomy over a dead man's body they deem "clever political propaganda" against the so-called "white right-wing".

Let us extricate ourselves from this vulgar, violent mess.

Let our orange, white and blue flag fly again over a country we would be proud to call our own. And quickly, too!

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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 13 April 2010 16:20 )  
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