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Feb 23rd
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The rise and fall of Simunye

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Prior to 1994, discussions were rife in white communities about the future political path for South Africa.

So called ‘progressive’ think-tanks, like Jong Dames Dinamiek, Rapportryers, Nasionale Party, the media, big business and others all advocated a new direction for South Africa, in the passage-politics of ordinary citizens.

Institutes for Strategic Studies at Pretoria’s Tuks campus, and at the Rand Afrikaans University, study groups emphasized the noble idea that there should be a South Africa for the diverse political groups, including the Coloured, Indian, White, and Black population.

At that stage only the Indians, Coloureds, and Whites were accommodated in politics.

No more discrimination of any kind. The best man get’s the job.

Right ?

“Simunye” was born.

The concept of ‘we are one”, based on the words of Nelson Mandela during the Rivonia trial, where he advocated a society free from black domination, and free from white domination.

Appealing to like-minded, and right-minded people.

A society where excellence in every walk of life is guaranteed, as the best man gets the job, be it as a surgeon, a general, a hospital administrator, a nurse, a policeman, a municipal manager.

A society that will enhance the ability of South Africa to create a livable condition for all it’s citizens even further, with even less expenses, and more value for your tax-money than before.

So we all agreed that this is the South Africa that we all want.

Sadly that dream was the best part of the New South Africa. But it remained a dream.

The dream was in the end, the height of civilization in South Africa, and not the reality that followed.

The reality that followed the simunye dream, was the fall of a great dream.

It was not the fall of a great nation. That part never materialized.

In the ‘animal farm’ reality, that followed on the ‘simunye’-dream, black communist and black terrorist domination of society followed, with ‘comrades’ deployed in every facet of life, as the only prerequisite for entering into a careers that takes the lifes of citizens into their hands every day.

That resulted in a failed state, where every solid institution, pension fund, government department, municipality, and the very fabric of society was emptied of substance, effectiveness, knowledge, skill, governance, and ultimately – the ability to satisfy the diverse and unlimited needs of the population of South African citizens.

The foundations and pillars of South Africa, are hollow, brittle, termite nests, with no substance.

The fact that it is still showing signs of a state, says more of the inheritance, the new rulers received in 1994, and of those that bequeathed the country, than of anybody else.

When the South African Communist Party announced at their 7th Annual Congress in Havana, Cuba, in 1989, that they will erect their own East Germany in South Africa, after the fall of ‘aparthayd’; nobody heard the message.

In 2010, driving through a crime-ridden and slum-infested, inner Johannesburg, through stately Victorian buildings that stood their ground with pride pre-1994, the decay, and decomposition accompanying, urine-drenched, and faeces-covered sidewalks, is nauseating.

Sadly, those that are accomplices in keeping this rotten communist government in power, are sitting far away from those suffering the brunt of typical communist mismanagement. It is governments sitting in Europe, America, and elsewhere, that benefits from bottom-level prices of commodities pillaged from South Africa’s soil daily.

And it is in these government’s interest to maintain and prop up a corrupt government in South Africa. This state corruption ensures low commodity prices daily.

It would be unthinkable for Italy, for instance, to import only ready-made, and finished golden jewelry from South Africa. That would mean the end of the Italian jewelry industry.

Totally unthinkable.

Governments in the rest of the world are also trying to satisfy unlimited needs of their populations with limited resources, and in the current worldwide recession, this is even more of a priority. And if that means keeping a corrupt black government in power in one of the most mineral-rich countries in the world, South Africa, so be it.

This very existence of the consumerism-demand in Europe, is also responsible for the existence of sweat-shops, paedophile rings, and a very large marijuana market in Europe.

Europe’s need for laptop computers that are manufactured with coltan obtained in the Congo, fuels the conflict in the Congo. More than 5 million people has died in the conflict in the Congo already.

But it is the slow and deadly demise of the educated white civilization at the southern tip of Africa, that is the saddest part to watch.

Being forced out of the workplace with discriminatory laws, forced out of their homes by discriminatory municipal and tax-practices, and faced with a state-induced famine, the boer population is dying slowly.

Except for those lucky ones for whom death comes suddenly in a de-facto state-approved farm or city slaughter by a number of black genocidaires. In most of these slaughters, victims are severely mutilated, humiliated and tortured in way conveying a very clear political message of ‘victor-victim’, similar as to those found in Cambodia, ViĂ«tnam, Rwanda, Darfur, Auchswitz, Turkey, Serbia, and Rwanda.

But what you send out in the lives of others, comes back into your own.

The boers are Protestants, mainly developed as such, and not affected as much as European Protesteants, by the Counterreformation of the Catholic Church.

And that spells troubles for adversaries of the Boers.

Treating the boer as an enemy , one is faced with the stark reality that an enemy of the boer, is an enemy of God. The true God, Jesus Christ, as witnessed by humanity, 2000 years ago.

And that little fact, is worthwhile pondering about.Now that Europe is faced with the grim-realities of Islam dawning upon them, the question must be asked : “Europe, how does your pain feel now ? “

The grave that was digged for the boer nation, in order to acquire cheap metals, commodities, and raw materials, has become a pitfall for Europe.

To whom the oppressed and massacred nation of boers, will reply : “Tigers don’t cry.”

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