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Future shock South Africa

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Traditionally the grave digger’s tools was a spade and a pick in South Africa.

Times have changed. Third World countries, are almost all faced with population explosions, that grow faster than any economic development, capturing the whole nation in the Malthusian pothole.

The prospects for a revolution becomes very real in such countries, especially when the unemployment figures rise above 15% unemployment. South Africa has an almost 60% unemployment rate, so the dangers become very real.Control of the population in terms of ideology, and numbers are therefore of prime importance for these third world countries.

South Africa is no exception regarding the control of the population numbers in South Africa. The killings fields of this Marxist-led government is vast, and the killing machines with a multiplication effect numerous.

Driving past towns like Klerksdorp, a traditional mining town in Western Transvaal, and the tranquil Nelspruit situated in the subtropical fruit-producing region, it takes you one look at the graveyard, to realize something is terribly wrong. Earthmoving equipment called back-actors are digging volumes of graves all over South Africa.

Because of the pro-white genocide policies of the ruling party, the African National Congress, with their affirmative action policies, favouring black labour, firmly entrenched in the labour market, there was a population explosion in the ranks of the masses.

So, with the population explosion on the one hand, and the digging of mass-graves on the other, it boils down to a paradoxs. Or does it ?

It is only when you start thinking, you realize that the ruling party has turned South Africa into a massive, modern killing field of all sorts. Immigration policies for the massive, unchecked, unplanned of Africa’s starving diaspora of blacks, has lead to a very conservative police estimate of 6 million illegal immigrants in South Africa, in 2009 alone.This includes an estimated 600 000 Nigerian drug dealers, pimps, money swindlers and money launderers, eroding the very fabric of all indigeneous population’s kids.

Swarming small populations with a massive influx of foreigners, whose only contribution to your society are works and products straight from hell, is suicidal. But this pro-indigeneous suicide committed by the ruling party, has another aspect to consider. These illegal immigrants reside in high-density slums, in conditions unfit for pigs.

In a few years, because of the immoral nature of the beast, AIDS and HIV, will start to exact it’s deadly toll on the diaspora immigrants.The health care system are already faced with queues of people waiting for treatment 24/7 in queues for longer than 15 hours in emergency wards. Many from as far abroad as Somali and Yemen.

And a refugee is only a refugee until he reaches a country other than his own, IF there is a proven war against his tribe.So this massive and unchecked influx of African population, that does not contribute a cent to the Gross National Product of South Africa, are one of the first population-killing multipliers instruments of the ruling party of South Africa.The second instrument of mass-slaughter with a multiplier effect, are the state hospitals.

Staffed with almost uneducated, intrinsically weak candidates, that would otherwise been unemployable in a civilization, were it not for racist affirmative action policies, the busiest people are the staff in the mortuaries, and the mass-corpse disposal units, that empties a full morgue from floor to ceiling, in a hospital like Chris Hani Baragwanath in 20 minutes flat, on a daily basis.

These staff were educated at pro-national-suicide-educational facilities, giving them a so-called education after some years of loitering on tertiary institutions campuses.In Natal, thousands of babies die every year, almost immediately after being born, in state facilities.The earth-moving equipment strains harder, and start working into the night.Still, like in Radio Rwanda, ‘The Graves are not yet Full’, message, are being blurted out by government policies.The hardline criminals are necessary instruments of war, to carry out the government’s intimidation of it’s own population, in election times, and times of labour unrest.

This government does not kill murderous psychopaths, for they are brothers.In hospitals, the government allows the murders of thousands of unborn babies every year.Schoolgirls are even allowed to go and have abortions in private clinics, almost like a ‘scrape’ in the morning, and return back home in the afternoon, and back to school the next day, nobody any the wiser.Little girls that could’ve been my and your daughter, ruined for life by genocidal, or is it national suicide, policies ?

So there is the third government instrument of mass-slaughter :

abortion laws and clinics.

The African National Congress’s absolute abhorrence of an intellectual landscape, had reduced the research capabilities of at least 46 % of the South African academics. That is the percentage of post-graduate degrees held by the white Afrikaner population.The Afrikaans-research landscape, covers and includes all sciences. Life-saving and life-enriching sciences, dating back several centuries.

Animal husbandry, veterinary sciences, and agricultural sciences-research capabilities of more that 600 years was lost or decimated by the African National Congress’s Marxist policies, much to the horror of other African states.Places like Onderstepoort Veterinary Sciences alleviated the control of pests associated with all kinds of animal farming and breeding, to a very high level throughout Africa. Hygienic controls of all sorts of protein consumed by populations all over the continent was ensured.

Nowadays, contaminated protein sources in Africa, is a very high probability, because of the decimation of several research institutes by the African National Congress.Yes, another instrument of mass-slaughter of entire populations; decimated research institutions.

Systemic slaughtering machine number four.

And the earth-moving equipment are straining

Enter the crime syndicates through the gates of the biggest prize they were ever given on a silver platter : South Africa.Since 1994, South Africa has become the biggest exporters of cocaine and heroine in the world, and supplies England with the most marijuana. South Africa also has the largest number of arms-syndicates, fuelling conflicts in the Congo and Africa.

And the earth-moving equipment comes to a standstill. Many operators dies of AIDS. Decades of overtime pay attracts ladies of the night. Other back-actor earthmoving equipment broke down, and could not be repaired.

Municipalities run by incompetent, and cleptocratic candidates from the ruling party, has left the money coffers empty, and the maintenance of state owned equipment, unattended. The result : municipalities that grinded to a halt in every municipality throughout South Africa. Corpses piling up on the one side, and an insatiable earth on the other, waiting to be united in holy matrimony like old lovers

So with the world’s largest number of Mafias, Triads, South American drug cartels, and transnational crime syndicates operating on our soil, the request for more graves daily, are growing.

Mass-extermination of the population number five.

Reflecting upon the ghastliness of the reality, turns the mind to the academic side of things.

To no avail.

Marxist, terrorist history has replaced reality of history in once esteemed academic libraries.

Whites have become the demon in this Marxist history, forever sanctioning and condoning the killings of all kinds of whites in the civilization that the Protestants created.

The daily butchering and genocidal mutilations of whites in South Africa, has occurred in ALL genocides in history.

The message of this mutilations is clear : “You are nothing. You are rubbish, when I have thoroughly humiliated, mocked and taunted you, I am going to mutilate you horribly, before killing you like a pig. I am the conqueror, the victor and the only authority here.”

So, the “Turning Points in History” , Marxist-terrorist history produced by Mbeki, and the ANC parliament, have been sharpened to be a pro-white genocidal instrument number six in the ANC’s modern arsenal of genocidal instruments, shaped by peers in the UN.

As it is, the white population is in limbo, between heaven and hell in South Africa.

After Israel has gone the same route, the Anglo Saxons in Europe will be the next to be demised.

Maybe, just before it is America’s turn, someone will ask the question : “How did it all began ?”


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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 10 November 2010 12:45 )  
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